Holy Water Miracles Living Stories
All that come into contact with Holy Water gain in faith and prayer, great blessings and miracles have occurred. As Jesus said, With faith, everything is possible for those who believe. (Mark 9:23) The Church has officially recognized the miraculous power of Holy Water in providing healing both mentally, physically and emotionally to those in need. Cases that are declared as miraculous, have no known medical explanation and in such cases, the church claims that it is reasonable for the faithful to believe that supernatural and Divine intervention may have occurred. Miracles have been defined by the church as, A sign or wonder, such as a healing or the control of nature, which can only be attributed to divine power.’ Tim Staples from Catholic Answers tells us that, ‘The miracles of Jesus were messianic signs of the presence of God.’ (Tim Staples, July 18, 2014).
Jesus also urged us to have faith when praying and told us to believe in him said, ‘Truly, truly I say to you whoever believes in me will also do the works that I do; and greater works than these he will do, because I am going to the Father.’ (John 14:12) Jesus explained that it is hard for us to understand miracles, but the miracles that He performed showed us that what Jesus was saying was true. Jesus confirmed that faith, prayer and Holy Water are extremely powerful. Jesus said, If I am not doing the work of my Father, then do not believe me; but if I do them, even though you do not believe me, believe the works, that you may know and understand that the Father is in me and I am in the Father.’ (John 14:10)
It is with our faith and prayer that blessings and miracles have occurred when using Holy Water. The water that runs in the Jordan River where Jesus was Baptized, sanctified the essence of the water, and it remains today over 2000 years later, as a pure source of spiritual blessings for man kind. At certain times in our lives, we need spiritual, emotional or physical healing and we can find comfort, faith, blessings and miracles in the spiritual Holy Water from the Jordan River. To obtain your own precious Holy Water today from the Jordan Riverplease click on our Gifts above.
What follows are miraculous accounts of individuals who experienced a miracle when they came in contact with Holy Water. One such Holy Water miracle was witnessed by a teenage girl named Lucy in the UK. Lucy Hussey-Bergonzi, pictured below, suffered from a brain hemorrhage resulting in Lucy being in a coma. She was admitted to Great Ormond Street Hospital, a renowned hospital in London, and was immediately put on a life support machine. However, her condition quickly deteriorated and Lucy s parents decided to bring a priest to the hospital to bap-tize her and say their last goodbyes. When the priest administered Holy Water, Lucy s arm immediately shot into the air and her life was saved. The hospital doctors were unable to medically account for Lucy s amazing recovery and described this occurrence as a miracle. Lucy claimed that she owed her life to faith and Holy Water. To read the entire article click on the following link: http://metro.co.uk/2011/08/09/teenage-girl-lucy-hussey-bergonzi-savedby-holy-water-109258/
Another miracle can be seen in the CT scan which shows a person’s cracked skull. On administer-ing Holy Water to the individual, the CT scan clearly showed the image of Jesus Christ’s face and miraculously, the sick individual was completely cured.
This picture clearly demonstrates the miraculous nature of Holy Water when during a Baptism ceremony in a church, the Holy Water contained in the bucket used for Baptism, clearly showed a clear image of Jesus Christ s face. A further blessing and miracle can be seen in the picture on the left. One can clearly see the face of Jesus Christ in the pail containing Jordan River Holy Water. At the Baptism of a child, in the John the Baptist Church, at the Baptism site in Jordan, in the Holy Land, the water was blessed before baptizing a child. As the pail of blessed water was placed near the altar, the image of Jesus Christ’s face could be clearly seen. This beautiful image can only be described as a miracle.
Two incredible Holy Water miracles, confirmed and officially recognized by the Vatican, were experienced by Danila Casteli and Vittorio Micheli from Italy. A miracle, confirmed by Vatican experts 24 years after it happened, is the miracle witnessed by Danila Castelli. She experienced a miraculous transformation of her health following immersing herself in Holy Water. After becoming ill with very high blood pressure and developing a tumor at 34 years of age, she traveled to the United States for medical treatment. However, she did not find a cure and she was inspired to immerse herself in Holy Water. When she emerged from the water, her husband said, Danila I know that everything is behind us. Danila was totally cured and lives to this day.
Decades after Danila s experience, a panel of religious experts deliberated over her story and checked for signs of a decline in her condition. Now 67 years of age, Danila from Pavia, Italy has remained healthy and she is officially recognized as a miracle cure, resulting directly from the use of Holy Water. Doctor Allesandro Franciscis, on a panel of 100 doctors, declared Danila s case as miraculous. He said, This lady was judged, indeed certified cured in a way unexplained by current medical scientific knowledge. To read more about this miracle, click on the following link: http://en.lourdes-france.org/deepen/cures-and-miracles/danila-castelli
The second miracle confirmed by the Vatican is one of numerous spectacular miracles that have occurred as a consequence of coming into contact with Holy Water. Vittorio Micheli, a young Italian soldier, developed cancer which destroyed his hip and pelvic bone. In 1962, he was ad-mitted to hospital in Verona, Italy with a large cancerous tumor on his left hip. Biopsies, X-Rays and hospital records confirmed the seriousness of his condition. His condition was so dire that he was sent home with no treatment. Within 10 months his hip had completely disintegrated, leav-ing the bone of the upper leg floating in a mass of tissue. He was near death and his body was literally falling apart.
As a final desperate attempt to save his life, he was carried by stretcher and submerged in Holy Water. Immediately, he had a sensation of heat through his body and his appetite returned. He had renewed energy and was suddenly, miraculously walking around dragging his cast. He im-mersed himself a few more times in the Holy Water and returned home to Verona. Over the course of the next month, he had a great feeling of well-being and he insisted that the doctors X-Ray him again. They discovered that his tumor was smaller and they began to document every stage of his recovery. Soon after his tumor disappeared and his hip bone began to regenerate again. Medical opinion confirmed that that what happened to Micheli was impossible. Within two months he was walking again and over the next two years his hip bone completely recon-structed itself. X- Rays and numerous examinations by doctors showed that he had regrown a new hip.
A dossier detailing Micheli s case was sent to the Vatican s Medical Commission, where a team of international doctors, concluded that Micheli had experienced a miracle. They concluded that, A remarkable reconstruction of the iliac bone and cavity had taken place. The X-Rays taken in 1964, 1965, 1968 and 1969 confirm categorically and without doubt, that an unforeseen and even overwhelming bone reconstruction has taken place of the type unknown in the annals of worldwide medicine. All doctors who studied the case agreed that no medical explanation was possible. To read the original account click on the link be-low. https://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid
Joy from Alberta, Canada also experienced a miraculous experience with Holy Water. Her son suddenly experienced a big unexplained growth on his neck. Although his tests came back negative, the lump still had to be removed by surgery. Joy had Holy Water with her and applied it to her son s neck and prayed for an improvement. The lump reduced so much that surgery was no longer needed. This is another beautiful example of faith, prayer and Holy Water. To read the entire account click on the below link. secret.tv/stories-read.html?id=9967
Another miracle was experienced by Ann Jourdain from France. She contracted tuberculosis and had huge lesions on her skin. She submerged herself three times in Holy water and her doctor stated that miraculously she was completely cured. This was further established after 28 days by an Xray. The Church judgement established that this cure was, Complete, lasting, instantaneous and obtained without any form of human help and therefore must be considered as a miracle. To read the entire story click on the below link.
Another Holy Water miracle occurred in Lourdes in 2002. Serge Francois, 56, lost almost all mobility in his left leg after complications from two operations which left him with a herniated disc. He made a pilgrimage to the Lourdes shrine on April 13, 2002 where he prayed for healing and washed his his face with Holy Water. Serge was immediately cured completely. Bishop Delmas noted that the healing took place after Serge Francois ‘Had finished praying at the grotto and went to the miraculous spring to drink the water and wash his face. A unique gesture of the Virgin Mary can be seen in the healing of this man,’ he said and concluded that. ‘This healing can be considered as a personal gift of God for this man, as a fact of grace, as a sign of Christ the Savior.’
After Serge Francois recovery, he returned to Lourdes and reported his case to the medical commission, which began its investigation. The Lourdes Medical Commission later verified that, ‘The rapid functional healing, unrelated to any form of treatment’ was ‘still present, eight years later.’
The Lourdes’ Medical Commission explained that doctors are ‘hesitant today to use the term ‘inexplicable,’ unless they qualify it with ‘scientifically’. They prefer to limit themselves to one fact: the healing is inexplicable today. They consider this qualification to be essential so they are not discredited later by colleagues who reject the inexplicable. ‘Moreover,’ he added, ‘The doc-tors at Lourdes always strive to be medically irreproachable. The Church herself encourages them in this.’ To read the entire story about this miracle click below. http://www.catholicnewsagency.com/news/bishop-approves-our-lady-of-lourdes-healing/
Two women from France, Marie Lebranchu and Marie Lemarchand both suffered terribly from severe pulmonary tuberculosis (Koch’s baciallus) and were in the final and terminal stages of the disease. Lebranchu was 35 years-old, emaciated, weighing less than 60 lbs while Lemarchand, 18 years-old, actually had ulcerous caverns in her face caused by the tuberculosis that were absolute-ly hideous. on contact with the miraculous Holy Water, Marie Lemarchand received brand new pink skin where before there were only holes. She would later marry and give birth to eight chil-dren and Marie Lebranchu was cured.
A further blessing and miracle was experienced by a man named Malepart, a member of the Ca-nadian Parliament. He was described as having terminal cancer with no cure. On using Holy Wa-ter he said, ‘I felt better and better as I kept on using Holy Water.’ He added, ‘My strength re-turned and my pain gradually vanished after using Holy Water.’ After seeing his doctor, Dr. Ayoub, an associate professor of medicine at Montreal University, said ‘It was a miracle! I believe that there was Divine intervention.’ He also added that,‘While we did treat Malepart with chemo-therapy and radiation, I don t believe that this treatment would have produced this remission on its own especially this quickly. I believe that his use of the Holy Water definitely helped to save his life.’ Malepart maintains that by using Holy Water, ‘God brought me back from the brink of death.’ Click on the link below to read the entire article. http://www.angelfire.com/ky/truedarkphantom/lourdes.html
We at Peace River believe that the sacred Holy Water of the Jordan River should be available to every believer worldwide. If you need comfort and blessings from the precious gift of Holy Wa-ter direct from the Jordan River where Jesus Christ was baptized click here to see our Jordan River Holy Water products and choose the right product for yourself or your loved ones.